Monday, August 10, 2009


After a terrible week, having been hit by a car, not getting much knitting done, and suffering the aches and pains of getting older (40 is just around the corner, glaring at me ), I tried to cheer up with the Yarn Harlot. After reading her chapter “Cracking the Whip,” I too made a commitment not to cast on another project until I had completed a few hiding out in my house, moreover, I went a step further and decided I wouldn’t buy anymore yarn (for a while). I knew it would be difficult as I work at a wonderful yarn shop and new luxuries are coming in all the time. However, I made a decision—no casting on; no yarn! Then temptation took hold of me. While at work on Friday, I heard a few of the regulars going on and on about the Great American Aran Afghan! They were discussing colors, yarn, the book, squares, and I’m all over it. I talked to them about it and took their orders as they need lots of yarn in the same dye lot. I also learned they will meet monthly beginning at the end of August. I’m freaking out because I want to make the afghan too, but I made a commitment to the Yarn Harlot! That night I gathered all my UFO’s and found eight. That’s not too bad I thought. My mind started whirling, much like Lucy while concocting yet another plan! So, my plan is to knit like crazy and complete at least four of my half completed projects and then I can join the afghan group without breaking my private pact with the Yarn Harlot! I have three weeks I thought—easy-peasy. The next day at work, I picked out my yarn, my afghan color, looked through all the squares and placed my order. I didn’t by any yarn, and I didn’t cast on—yet. The Yarn Harlot inspired me to clean up my act, but she has also taught me how to think outside the box in order to hide my dirty knitter ways.


  1. In April/May I decided too that I couldn't cast on any more projects until I finished some UFOs. Didn't get them all done, but did finish a couple!

  2. Let me know how that goes. I know I'm just not strong enough!
