Last Friday I went to Dodger Stadium with a Stitch N Pitch group out of Long Beach, and it was a blast. We took a bus from our LYS and my fellow dirty knitter, Diane, brought a bottle of wine and red plastic cups to help start the night off right. We cast on simple hats before we left, so we could knit without missing any of the game. As we eased back into our bus seats, we started drinking, knitting, and chatting, and enjoyed the ride. When we arrived with tickets in hand, we headed right to the food counter for Dodger dogs and beer, while my husband got a new Dodger cap trying to ignore all the yarn junkies blabbing about you know...Yarn! Knitting while eating dogs (I ate 2) and drinking ice cold beer and hanging out with good friends--yum. We also got some really cool gear from the Stich N Pitch organizers, so squeezing into our tiny seats with food, drinks, knitting bags, and free gear was a challenge, but definately worth it. As the Dodgers proceeded to get their asses kicked by the Astros, we knitted happily and said silent prayers for a miraculous come back but to no avail. It really didn't matter though...knitting and hanging out with good friends was enough.
Here is a link to a video KKAL/CBS did at Stitch N Pitch. Check it out (I'm in it for like a second), http://www.cbs2.com/video/?id=109050@Kcbs.dayport.com
the dirty knitter
Here is a link to a video KKAL/CBS did at Stitch N Pitch. Check it out (I'm in it for like a second), http://www.cbs2.com/video/?id=109050@Kcbs.dayport.com
the dirty knitter
Yay, Stitch and Pitch!