A Knitter's Resolutions
I make resolutions yearly knowing they are destined to be broken (sometimes within hours of making them). Resolutions, however, are not just a yearly event for the avid knitter. It seems that I make many resolutions throughout the year--about using my stash, finishing my ufo's, not casting on another project, not buying any yarn--and they just don't stick. So, I decided to change things up a little. While I will still go through my resolution ritual this year, I am determined to make doable resolutions:
I will not set fire to my stash.
I will not knit in the bathtub.
I will cast on freely.
I will learn a new knitting technique.
I will not knit a lace shawl.
I will not buy lace weight yarn.
I will learn a new stitch pattern.
I will not dress up like a member of Kiss and knit.
I will knit a hat.
I will not kill anybody with my knitting needles.
I will knit something for myself.
I will knit something for my husband.
I will knit something for charity.
I will visit as many yarn shops as possible.
I will buy a lot of pattern books.
I will not buy Frivola.
I will hang out with the girls and knit.
I will complete at least one square on the Great American Aran Afghan.