I've been knitting too much! OMG did I just say that? Well, I have knitter's neck and even a massage from my wonderful husband isn't helping. I get knitter's neck when I knit in the car. We drove to Vegas for my father-in-laws 80th birthday bash and I knit the whole way there and back. I don't think knitter's neck is from the length of time I knit, God knows I knit much longer than a 5 hour drive, I think it has something to do with the way I sit in the car. I'm really not sure, but this only happens when I knit in the car and it really sucks because the only way to recover is to not knit for a few days...what in the world will I do with myself for the next few days? Let's see:
dust the house
clean the fish tank
vacuum the stairs
clean the bathtub
go for a walk
go shopping
read a book
organize the office
clean the spice cabinet
clean the fridge
mop the floors
Let me see what else should/could I do but knit instead...
pay the bills
wash the truck
take the dogs out
wash the dishes
make dinner
go to a movie
clean the cat box...ummm
I think I'll knit anyway!